Friday, September 12, 2014

Take Your Interview from "Zero to Hero"

When you are a college student, interviews are a part of the daunting reality of "The Real World". You would much rather someone just put a sparkly sticker on your resume, go to lunch, and decide over lemonade and deli sandwiches that you are the person for the job.
But, as we all know interviews can be described as a
real  life horror movie.
(I wish we all had our own Phil to spend a whole 3 minute song teaching us everything we needed to know, but we don't)
But with a little bit of mirror practice and these tips, you are sure to walk into your next interview ready to take it from "Zero to Hero".
1. Resume = Life!- Check it, check it, and then check it again! A spelling error or typo on a resume can be glaring, especially since it is the first impression an interviewer has of you (not to mention most of the time your resume is the determinant of if you get an interview. And a spelling error most certainly means RIP to your resume).
Nevertheless, you do not want the interviewer looking down to see that you spelled "Ocupation" wrong (notice anything?)
-Also, make sure to print at least three copies of your resume for your interview and stick them in a folder to keep from wrinkling. If you know how many interviewers there will be, print that amount. It makes you seem super organized and able to be prepared.
2. University Career Center- So yeah, its an extra half hour taken out of your plans to watch Netflix for the rest of the afternoon, but as soon as you find out about an interview, make it a point to meet with someone in your university's career development center. Here at The University of Tampa, our Career Services department takes walk-in appointments to help students with resumes, along with offering a number of events about networking, interviews, business etiquette, and so much more.
Make an appointment with a Career Services employee, and tell them about the interview you are gong in to and have them look over your resume. These people know the secrets and they are willing to share, so take advantage.
3. Hero's wear capes, not sweatpants!- As sad as it may be to say, your first impression when you walk through the door (what you are wearing, your facial expression, and entrance) mean everything. If you think,"my outfit will be ok", that is a signal that it's NOT! Always overdress!
Go-To interview fashion:
  • -Blazer (they can be colorful)
  • -Pants/Skirt (note: not a clubbing skirt, but the kind that touch your knees)
  • -Heels- the sound, the height, the power (lets face it, heels make Beyoncé)
  • -Classy Handbag- leather tote is a go-to (nothing flashy)
4. Be extra, extra, extra early!
5. Its a conversation- When you get yourself all worked up over "answering the question perfect" or trying to "decipher the interviewer's every move" ("OMG they wrote something down, they don't like me"!), you mess it up more.
You want to speak formally and intelligently, but not so much that you don't seem down to earth or are too rehearsed. Ultimately it comes off fake and doesn't let how your "unique qualities" would help the job. Interviewers appreciate someone who is able to allow their true self to shine through. Not to mention, when you are most comfortable, the person interviewing you become more comfortable and suddenly the whole thing is easy.
-Be energetic
-Be positive
6. Thank You cards are still in style!- Handwriting a thank you note, not only shows that you take time for the little things, but that you acknowledge the time the person took out of their day to interview you. And lets be honest, it's just a nice thing to do.
Even if you don't get the job, the gesture may just open another door within the company or the person may offer to stay connected. You never know.
Good luck with that interview readers!
Best Wishes,


  1. Is applaud your creativity! I am going to share this with people I coach on job search as an example of a way to be visible to prospective employers in a relevant way!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much! You are my first comment! So glad my blog can help others achieve their career goals and dreams!
