Thursday, November 20, 2014

PSA : Stop Running Back to Your Ex!

Ex's are bad news. I mean the title, "Ex" should say it all. But time after time, I see girls giving the cheaters a second chance, the users another kiss, and the one's you aren't meant for a fake seal of approval.
Girls. It's time to wake up and realize that they are your "Ex" for a reason. Meaning, in the past. I am by no means the expert on boyfriends, but here is what you need to understand about running back to your Ex-
1. He changed. You changed. It won't be the same-
I know the sting of loneliness can be almost unbearable at times. You start to daydream about all the great times you had together and before you know it you fell back in love with him...or so you think.
Truth is, he has changed. And so have you...for the better. When you try to rekindle the romance, only after getting yourself in too deep will you realize that, wait...he isn't the same person. But by that time, you have already fell hard.
Time to open that box of tissues.
2. The "perfect" guy is all about perspective-
Raise your hand if you think that, no matter what anyone says, your ex is the right guy for you. (I can see all the imaginary hands creeping up in embarrassment).
Well, you should be. We get so fixated on our ex's. We compare every guy we meet to them. You've done everything together for the past year (or whatever amount of time). You've spent holidays with each other's family, you could finally show your nerdy side, and your friends claimed you were practically married.
It's the law of comfort-ability that no matter what we always would rather say:
-"He wasn't so bad."
"He didn't cheat on me for real, i'll forgive him."
... then to take the risk to ask your crush out for coffee or realize that the slightly quirky guy from chemistry who  adores you, might actually be a pretty good guy.
If you keep comparing every guy to your ex, your prince charming is literally going to come and go without you ever even realizing and the guy from chemistry is going to move on to a girl that gives him a chance.
 Then comes the time when you look at another girl, "Why does she have him?"
Well, you could have, but you were to busy convincing yourself that "Ex" didn't cheat on your "technically".
Remember, your dream guy is ahead of you, not behind you. He might not be what you always pictured, but he will be the one.
 And you won't be settling, so never look back.
3. It always ends with you crying to your mom and eating lots of chocolate-
Rarely, rarely, does running back to your ex ever work out. 99% of the time, it leads to you being so upset that it starts to affect your life. You can't focus on school, you cry all the time, and withdrawal from everyone around you.
You end up more miserable than you were before, but except this don't have anyone to blame but yourself...sorry.
4. He wants you back, for the wrong reasons-
 If he cheated, he is calling you to clear his name. If your best friends words of, "he isn't good enough for you", finally sunk in, he is trying to get his prize back. Maybe he is jealous, he doesn't want you with anyone else.
Regardless of which one of those it falls under, in each one "you" mean nothing. Just the "idea" of you means something.
You are so much better than that. Don't fall for his flirtatious text messages, good night calls before bed, OR that day where you rekindled the romance (which I strongly never recommend you get yourself into. BAD. BAD. BAD.), as signs that he loves you.
5. Being Single is the time to "Love YOU"-
Yeah, so on Valentine's Day it might stink, but being single is a growing experience that every girl should through. If you take this time to love you, gain confidence, and build your future, you will realize that being single might not be so bad after all and you will be stronger.
When Prince Charming does come around, you'll be ready. You will know who you are, where you want to be, your goals, your dreams.
Things you never would have figured out had you run back to your Ex.
Be single. Wait for Prince Charming.
It will be well worth it.


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