Sunday, November 2, 2014

How to Avoid a Senior Meltdown

It's November, and for college seniors it's really starting to sink in that YOU ARE ALMOST OUT OF TIME!
That "moment" that you thought would never come (do I dare even say the word) is now less than roughly 6 months away. In order to avoid panic and hysteria (which you may or may not have experienced already) about:
1. What you are going to do with your life?
2. Where you are going to live?
3. How you are going to survive without all your friends?
.Breathe!..I am going to walk you through some easy methods to :
Avoid a Senior Meltdown
1. It's only November. Mountains aren't made in one day- If you are anything like me, you need to know what you are doing RIGHT NOW. Not three months from now. BUT NOW.
Well unfortunately, that is not how the job market works. If you are graduating in May, I suggest beginning a "Pre-search" during the holiday break. This does not meaning applying to jobs, but creating a list, researching, and organizing about potential companies you would like to work for and where in general you want to be (career wise).
February- START Applying. Take that list you made over winter break and make it a goal to apply to two positions per week.
And be sure you aren't applying blindly! No matter how desperate, you don't want to be stuck in a job you hate. So be sure to read job descriptions thoroughly (not to mention it just helps a lot during interviews and resume building, but that's another story)
2. Talk to Your Mentors- Call up your internship boss, self-proclaimed mentor, or a recent graduate you feel close to and ask them questions. How did they handle this moment in their life? How did they make some of these big decisions (grad school, apartment, roommates, first job)?
Be careful though, their opinion is "not the be all, end all". Just a little guidance for YOUR OWN PATH.
3. Start saving those pennies- Yes. I know that going to Starbucks every morning on your way to class is the perfect start to your day, but soon you will be paying bills you didn't even know existed. Goodbye Daddy's Girl Status.
Layout a weekly budget to "save" a certain amount of money. Even if it's just $10, that can add up. Whether you are looking for an apartment or getting ready to pay off that mounting college loan, it will be nice to open that piggy bank and see cash.
4. Be practical this Christmas- I was (and still am) the #1 proponent of getting "fun" gifts on Christmas (I was that kid that rolled their eyes when opening clothing).
But this year, set your Christmas List up for your future. Ask for items you will need for your apartment, extra cash to save, maybe a trip apartment browsing, or anything related to your future.
It's time to trade in your favorite Christmas present for a nice blender.
5. Realize that your first job, might not be your dream job- I myself need to work on this. After wanting to work for Disney for my entire life, I am learning I may not have my dream come true...just yet.
Part of "the real world" is taking the opportunities that come, as they come. Your first job may not be the fashion designer you always hoped of being or that high profile PR assistant position, but it's a stepping stone (and a very important one at that). Treat your first job just as you would your dream job.
The dedication, passion, and work ethic you show (even in a job you hate) will get the attention of your boss, and before you know it, that job you once hated now either got you a promotion or the tools you needs to hit the next best thing.
6. Don't let moments pass you by- I want you to stop freaking out, and just enjoy Senior Year! Yes, it's good to be on your feet, but worrying about things you can't control won't do anything. By worrying you will miss all those bittersweet moments. And for what? Nothing!
Trust that by continuing to work hard and plan smart, you will be just fine.
I promise.

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