Saturday, October 11, 2014

10 Moments in College You Should Never Forget

Moment- a space in time when something moving happens, maybe life changing, impactful to the point that it is engraved in your mind and heart; when a "feeling" during that specific space in time is indescribable
Today, I found out that a former alumni of the university was in a deep coma. I was kind of frozen.
What could it possibly be like, to be in a space between alive and dead?
The possibility that you could wake up, not remembering anyone, anything, or any moments.
As a 21 year old girl, I have lived through 662,695,992.
I am sure the alumni lived through a lot of seconds as a student here at UT, but I am sure he never took that time to stop and cherish the handful of moments that made up his time here. The one's that may essentially be lost in time.


10 Moments in College

 You Should Never Forget 

1. Move-In Day-
Oh do I remember how I cried. My parents were barely down the road when I called, "You have to come back, I have made a big mistake". I hadn't even been alone but a half hour, but suddenly my life had changed, for what I thought was the worst. My mom's response, "Too late now." As uncomforting as that was, I am glad I stuck it out. UT has changed my life
It's the first time you face a challenge bigger than you have ever imagined. You are finally on your own. Always remember how you felt then and how you feel now. Suddenly you will remember, I CAN GET THROUGH THIS.
2. That great night out-
As freshmen, and maybe even a sophomore, we all struggle with the balance that is "going out vs staying in and studying". I NEVER go out. And I regret it. While my grades are awesome, I have missed out on so many great moments college has to offer because up until recently, I thought my grades defined who you are in college. But they don't.
The times I have gone out (dancing with my friends, late night frozen yogurt runs, or simply having a wine night with my girls) are some of the nights I cherish most.
I want you to go out dancing with your girls, go to a party with the cute boy down the hall, and celebrate your 21st in style. These are moments that matter, not your teacher placing a piece of paper that has an "A" written on it. 
3. Being rejected-
Remember freshmen year, not getting on to the dance team or not getting into the sorority you wanted. Look at you now. You wouldn't be where you are today, which is hopefully satisfied and content, if you weren't rejected back then.
 Rejection is often the closing of a window, and the opening of a door. Look back, and smile.
4. When you failed your first test-
Fun Fact, I failed my first college test!
 Yep! I did. And yes...I cried.
 But looking back now I laugh.
 Remember, your grades don't define you. Mine sure don't...clearly.
5. When you got your heart broken-
They break your heart, so someone better can put it back together.
6. When a friend drifted away-
Think of all the friends you have gone through from freshmen year to senior year. Half of the people I was friends with as a freshmen I never talk to or even see anymore. And that's ok.
 Just as we change, so do others. It's ok. Some friends are forever, some aren't.
7. When you realize you are half way done and you don't know where you're headed
 Being lost is hard to define. Are you "lost" or simply in a space between two destinies of your life?
8. The holiday breaks with your family or when a family member passes unexpectedly
Being away during college makes you realize how important family is.
Suddenly Christmas at home means more than it used to.
And we realize those we love, won't live forever.
9. Your proudest accomplishment
Maybe it was an award from the school, the job offer you have always dreamed of, or the winning touchdown pass in the championship game. Whatever it is, it was great.
 That moment where you had such a rush you can't define it.
10. Graduation-
I haven't graduated yet, but I am sure this is one moment I won't forget.
Friends, family, crying, and finally getting that piece of paper I have worked so hard for.
 Something NO ONE can take away from you.
In honor of the alumni, who lies in the balance between the known and unknown, I encourage you to remember "Your college moments". He probably didn't think these were all significant moments, but they are definitely something he has lived through and has impacted him... and the same will go for you.
For many of you, these moments haven't happened. So be in the moment when they do. Because moments are important, not seconds.
 Unlike seconds, moments can be relieved.

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