Wednesday, October 1, 2014

20 Things You Experience as a Senior in College

I am only one month into my senior year, but it is definitely feels like I am Rapunzel in the beginning of Tangled singing, "When will my Life Begin", trying to juggle everything that it means to be a senior about to enter the "Real World".

20 Things I Have Experienced as a Senior in College this far:

1. Getting out of bed is a struggle

2. Working out takes a back-seat

3. Brace yourself for 1,000 group projects

4. As a result of the 1,000 group projects, you suddenly become the GROUP LEADER of all of them-(a.k.a. A Mom)

5. Trying to figure out what you are doing with your life after you graduate

6. Consistently having visions of saying goodbye to your friends

7. Senioritis is already at an all time high...(did I already mention it's only October)

8. Cringing at the thought of going home to Mom and Dad after graduation- If I get yelled at one more time to "Clean (or "red" as my mother says) up the dining room table I am going to go insane"!

9. You change your resume about every other day? -Some higher power just needs to pick the best format and template and we should all just stick with that. No more of this "1 million different he-said, she-said" of what the perfect resume looks life.

10. Going home for Thanksgiving is now more an inconvenience than a necessity

11. Sleep? What is that?

12. The underclassmen become super annoying

13. The urge to do everything because it's "The Last One"

14. You are over your closet sized "room"

15. You are tired of people telling you, "You don't want to graduate, trust me"- Well, trust ME. I have been waiting to graduate since my mom used to push me out of bed to go to AM Kindergarten.

16. The realization that your parents are about to cut you off-Don't forget about those cell phone bills, car insurance, and that wonderful college loan that is waiting for you with open arms.

17. Regret of all the things you didn't do, but now wish you would have

18. Using count downs like, to remind you 24/7 the amount of time you have to endure that 4 hour accounting class or hit as many happy hours as possible

19. Feeling old already-18 is the new 21.

20. That ready or not, your life is about to change...again.

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